Letters to the Void: My Favourite People (Letter 3)

A poem on appreciation for good friends

S.P Sacker
2 min readJan 10, 2022
A letter with a wax stamp with the letter ‘s’ on it




feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.

“they don’t care about human life”

To you all,

The light taps on the shoulder
To check if I’m alright;
The offers to help
When I’m struggling inside;

The ‘Let me hold that for you’
As I’m afraid to ask;
The ‘I like the embroidery
You did on your face mask’;
The ‘I’ll come with you’
-Noticing my shaking knees;
The knowing I don’t try to be impolite-
That I just find it hard to speak;

The lifting me up
When I half-joke about my self-esteem;
The allowing me to stutter-
The ‘I know what you mean’;
The checking on my health
So I know someone’s there;
The waiting for me
In the middle of nowhere;
The helping me
To understand the joke;
My favourite people-
The ones I love most.


Hi, if you enjoyed this piece feel free to follow and subscribe to my account, s-p-sacker, to receive an email whenever I publish and check out some of my other works. Some with similar themes include:

It was the way they said it( https://medium.com/new-writers-welcome/it-was-the-way-they-said-it-79045cdc6a),

Distant stars( https://medium.com/illumination/distant-stars-362d93cb1218)

Subdomain: s-p-sacker.medium.com




S.P Sacker

A friend once told me that my words are ‘cryptic’- feel free to confirm it for yourself◆ s_p_sacker on commaful.com